Thursday, March 8, 2007

It is a Family (and Friends) Affair

Thanks to my extended family and friends for all your support and suggestions on book events. My mother has called local Barnes and Nobles and Borders and asked her bookseller friends (that would be you Beth) for help. My mother-in-law, scouted out a new independent bookstore in her hometown in Jackson. (I scheduled an event for last year that has been postponed til next year.) My husband's traveling family have been touting the book to a new travel bookstore in D.C. My great aunt in law has done the same in Nashville and offered free lodging. My husband and kids amuse themselves while I search for the events manager when ever we enter a bookstore. My friend Betsy suggested REI (who hosted the first book event) and my friend college friend Boris wins the traveled farthest to come to his friend's event. (He arrived almost straight from his flight from the Ukraine.)

So now it is time to really rev up! Where do you want to have an author(s) event?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It makes me so happy to see other contributors hard at work promoting the book. What use is a great book if no one knows about it? I am happy to say that we too are hard at work here in Quito, Ecuador, putting the finishing touches on the book and working at getting it publicity in the states. We are all really excited about its expected arrival in bookstores next month. Keep up the good work everyone!